Women's Health

Our female Dr is a recognized specialist and trained for all ages of women’s heaths issues, she will understand and advise you, in a compassionate and caring manner
Contraception and puberty PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) Irregular periods Menopause and hormonal unbalance Incontinence of urine Endometriosis Sexual performance and health Cervical Cancer Screening Stroke and Alzheimer’s prevention Fertility issues and irregular periods Antenatal care and motherhood Breastfeeding Mental Health
- What is menopause?
Menopause is the termination of ovarian activity, evidenced by the cessation of periods for at least one year for women over the age of 50 or for two years for women under the age of 50. It is preceded by a period of time that we call perimenopause which is characterised by ovarian function fluctuating on and off.
What is happening in our brain and body?
- Some women will have hot flashes, mood swings and low libido as the most common symptoms associated with perimenopause. The reality is that our brain is throwing tantrums. From the moment we are adolescents and start having periods, our brain and body cra oestrogens and thrives on them. These hormones are responsible for making us feel super awesome with lots of energy.

The truth about oestrogens
Oestrogen is formed first and then it gets converted to testosterone.
It is responsible for us becoming sexually interested, and vaginal lubrication is dependent on it. Oestrogen gives us energy and mood stability, is somewhat associated with our serotonin level and stimulates our energy spending and muscle formation. What's wrong with having more oestrogen when our body is not producing it then?... The problem is that, based on the current evidence, having oral oestrogen when our body has naturally ceased its production increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and breast cancer. Recent studies have shown that cardiovascular and stroke risk is significantly reduced by the way we receive oestrogen- for example, transdermal oestrogen therapy as opposed to oral therapy.
The truth about progesterone
Progesterone has many effects on our metabolism and genital organs It protects the uterus against endometrial cancer, so it is absolutely needed in HRT for women with a uterus. Progesterone boosts metabolism, increases insulin production, stimulates fat storage in the liver, and produces fluid retention. It is important to know that 40% of breast cancers are progesterone receptor positive, which attach to progesterone to help them grow.
Mental Health Care:
- Mental health is an important aspect of overall health and wellbeing, and General Practice is well-placed to provide mental health care services. Our GPs are trained to identify and treat common mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Our GPs can refer you to mental health specialists when necessary, and can also provide counseling and support if you are experiencing mental health issues.
The truth about testosterone
Testosterone for years was believed to not have any effects on women’s libido, however recent evidence has shown there may be benefits to using testosterone to increase libido in women WITH sexual dysfunction likely associated with menopause.
The honest reality is that libido is much more complex in women than just a little bit of a gel… We are much more complex and different to men, women get aroused by sensory stimulation and the way we feel. Therefore working on vaginal lubrication during the whole day and mental health is a must.
So what can we do to survive menopause?
One of my patients told me once, “There is life after menopause...”
and yes, I believe it. With an accumulated 23 years of practising women’s health as a gynaecologist in Argentina and now as a GP, I can reassure you, that it is possible. Book a long appointment and let me help you navigate this natural part of life. As a member of the Australasian Menopause Society, I want everyone to understand this is not about supplements or a fault in your body that need to be corrected; menopause is physiological, embrace it and understand just as when you were a teenager, that after menopause you may find YOUR NEW LIFE.
~ Dr Gaby Luna
- 7:00AM - 5:00PM
- 7:00AM - 5:00PM
- 7:00AM - 5:00PM
- 7:00AM - 5:00PM
- 7:00AM - 4:30PM
- 9:00AM - 01:00PM
- 2 Alzino Place, Carrara QLD 4211
- Phone: (07) 5594 4118
- Fax: (07) 5594 5886
- reception@carrarafamilypractice.com.au
- Emergency and life threatening: Call 000
- After hours service is offered through: National Home Doctors - Please call 13sick (137425)
- Dental Extended Services: Open until 6pm Tuesdays/Thursdays by appointment.
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